Manufacturing automation for simple or complex assemblies

Medical Devices

The demand for faster production of medical devices must be balanced with requirements for safety and quality control. Working with ATS LSS brings the assurance of ISO9001:2015 and ISO13485:2016 certifications

Medical Tubesets

Injection Devices

‌Success is driven by our people, and we strive to provide a safe, happy, and healthy working environment

Plastic Syringes

Autoinjectors and Pens – assembly of pen body and pen needle, standard and safety needles, final packaging

Glass Syringes

Autoinjectors and Pens – assembly of pen body and pen needle, standard and safety needles, final packaging


Autoinjectors and Pens – assembly of pen body and pen needle, standard and safety needles, final packaging

Injection Pens

Autoinjectors and Pens – assembly of pen body and pen needle


‌Success is driven by our people, and we strive to provide a safe, happy, and healthy working environment


Autoinjectors and Pens – assembly of pen body and pen needle, standard and safety needles, final packaging


Autoinjectors and Pens – assembly of pen

Tube Sets

‌Success is driven by our people, and we strive to provide a safe, happy, and healthy working environment


Autoinjectors and Pens – assembly of pen body and pen needle, standard and safety needles, final packaging

Infusion Sets

Autoinjectors and Pens – assembly of pen body and pen needle, standard and safety needles, final packaging

Blood Collection Sets

Autoinjectors and Pens – assembly of pen body and pen needle, standard and safety needles, final packaging

Your team met and exceeded the challenges we faced with dogged determination, creativity, and flexibility.

Abott Laboratories


Safety, Quality and Production Scalability to Keep You Competitive


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Your Pharma Projects, Our Proven Automation Solutions

Are you a pharma manufacturer? Learn about how we can help you with your project.

Medtech Projects


Your MedTech Projects, Our Proven Automation Solutions

Are you a medical device or diagnostic manufacturer? Learn about how we can help you with your project.

Standard Autoinjector Manufacturing Syste


Standard Autoinjector Manufacturing System

Pre-engineered for lower design costs and faster delivery; suitable for any common three-piece autoinjector.

Small beads of freeze dried liquid contained in different coloured containers


Lyobeads are the hottest thing in Pharma

Forecasts suggest more than half of injectable drugs will require lyophilization. Will they work for you?

Product Designing


5 Biggest mistakes made when designing a product – 2023

Plan for it now or pay for it later. What are the mistakes you can anticipate and hopefully avoid?

robotic ats automation


Robotic Trayhandling and Palletizing – integration or automation

This technology, common in large automotive applications, can be scaled for applications from highly specialized aseptic pharmaceutical applications to dark factories


VIP Event

Join us for an exclusive ATS Life Sciences Systems VIP Event, tailored to your team’s unique needs. Spend a day at one of our Innovation Centers and discover why the world’s leading life sciences companies trust ATS to turn their challenges into innovative solutions.


Ebeam 2025

Join us for an exclusive, medical device industry-focused symposium on Tuesday March 18, 2025, at ATS Life Science Systems in Cambridge, Ontario. This all-day educational event will explore the potential of in-line and end-of-line Ebeam sterilization solutions for the life sciences industry.



As the leading exhibition for smart automation and robotics, Automatica features the world’s largest range of industrial and service robotics, assembly solutions, machine vision systems, and components. It gives companies from all relevant branches of industry access to innovations, knowledge, and trends with a great deal of business relevance.

Need help with automating the manufacturing of your product?

We have successfully delivered GMP-compliant solutions for manufacturers of medical devices, diagnostics, and pharmaceuticals, as well as pharmacy and laboratory automation. No matter where you are in your journey, we can support your product and process needs

Learn more