From contact lenses to mail-order pharmacies, ATS Life Sciences Systems has a long history of providing automated manufacturing solutions for the assembly and handling of a broad range of products.
Automation Solutions
We’ll custom design or help you find the right machines for your Assembly, Material Handling, Conveyance, Manufacturing, Vision Testing, Software (IIoT) needs
Our ability to assist you with your project begins with understanding your product and processes. Whatever the stage of your product’s life cycle—product design, product iteration, clinical trials, or full commercial production—ATS Life Sciences Systems can complement your staff with CGMP-experienced consultants, engineers, and skilled trades and service people
A deeper dive into information and details about LSS solutions, from the experts who work on them every day.
The ATS Life Sciences Group delivers fast-to-market and seamless integration to achieve manufacturing at scale. Modular, configurable dispense and smart conveyance platform for low and high-volume point of care manufacturing and diagnostic device assembly.
(Estimated order to FAT complete lead time)
BioDot is a specialist in ultra-low volume dispensing; picoliter to microliter discrete product dispensing, complemented by enabling technologies, Application engineering, product validation, and DFA/DFM. Experience supporting customers from research to pilot production.
The MODULISTM solution offers vision-guided part targeting, at 2 nanoliter to 4 microliter discrete droplet volume with up to 24 dispense channels.
The SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ is a fully programmable asynchronous linear motion technology with independent and parallel dispensing workstations. Integrated parent PLC cell control, integrated smart vision, modular and configured system footprint.
Index shuttles quickly to eliminate the number of tooling parts required. Turnkey solutions are fully supported over the life of the asset with support for IQ / OQ. MODULIS, equipped with SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ is a modular, integrated solution that transitions from clinical to high-volume manufacturing.
Large diagnostic organizations and start-ups alike are focused on three key areas:
Reducing time to result,
Reducing sample volume, and
Increasing the quality (and quantity) of the underlying patient data.
Smaller, more complex devices with 10s to 1000s of individual capture chemistries are currently moving through the development cycle, and the most advanced groups are now bringing their solutions to market.
Download our whitepaper for a more in-depth look at the opportunities in the diagnostic landscape.
MODULIS is a modular solution for clinical and high-volume manufacturing. It shrinks your automated micro-dispensing platform build schedule from order to factory acceptance.
The race is on to develop and commercialize new novel biochips/biosensors for a broad spectrum of health markers. Getting to market first is the challenge.
Customers want to know how we developed this pre-configured platform, and what its capabilities are from the lab to high-volume production.
We solve your manufacturing challenges with proven technology to get you to market fast. Tailor the modules to meet demand as you move from clinical production to commercialization.
Briefly tell us about your automation needs and we’ll get back to you.
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