Smart Conveyance Platform


The SuperTrak CONVEYANCE™ platform reduces engineering complexities making your automation easier to design, develop and deploy.


Different system components allow for multiple configurations to maximize floor space. Modular track sections allow you to easily deploy and re-deploy your automation system as business demands change

  • TrakMaster™ software is the user interface that provides access to the track’s powerful integrated functionality
  • Saves significant engineering and integration time allowing your system to get to production faster and more efficiently


  • Independent shuttle control with adjustable shuttle and nest sizes
  • Modularity to easily scale, reduce time to market
  • Easy to deploy and redeploy
  • Integrated functionality


  • High speed with high degree of precision in placement and processing
  • Adjustable acceleration and deceleration for gentle handling
  • Less complex and more adaptable automation systems

Recomended for

  • Cleanroom compliant
  • Quiet operation at >75dBA
  • Reduced factory footprint
  • Payload: 10+ kg per shuttle

Key Benefits

Developed for demanding life sciences automation applications, this is the leading platform for speed, precision, and integrated functionality.

Improved Cycle Times & Throughput

Smart conveyance is fast and precise; parts spend less time in motion and more time in process. It also allows the optimization of station designs to achieve higher performance, directly impacting OEE.

Cleanroom Manufacturing

Developed with the requirements of the medical and pharmaceutical industries in mind. With few moving parts, the platform is easy to maintain, generates very little particulate matter, resulting in minimal downtime and increased throughput.

Reduced Factory Footprint

Multiple configurations help you maximize your factory layout, reducing tooling and station redundancies. The platform offers various configuration options to maximize ROI.

Easily Deploy and Redeploy

Whether your product is in the early stages of development, scaling up production, or at a mature stage, the platform can be reconfigured for current business requirements.

Modular Designs to Grow With Your Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Machinery

Let’s discuss your conveyance options for development to validation and production.


Briefly tell us about your automation needs and we’ll get back to you.